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Protect Old Growth March and Super-Rally: Saturday February 25 at the B.C. Legislature
On Saturday, February 25th, the United For Old Growth coalition is bringing a broad-based mass mobilization to the B.C. Legislature that reflects the majority of public will in B.C. for progressive solutions to the crisis in the woods.

United We Stand for Old Growth Forests Declaration!
September 11th marked the 2nd anniversary of the British Columbia government’s release of the report of its Old-Growth Strategic Review (OGSR) panel, “A New Future for Old Forests”. In light of overwhelming support for old growth forest protection, the NDP government made clear 2020 election promises to implement all 14 recommendations of the OGSR report. However, two years later, the NDP’s response has been poor.

Read and Share the FOCS Winter 2022 Newsletter!
The FOCS Winter Newsletter is here shedding light on the major issues in Clayoquot Sound and beyond as well as getting a glimpse of the work we have been doing over the last several months, including updates on our campaigns.

The Future of Wild Salmon is at Stake: Have Political Leaders Abandoned the Backbone of the Coast?
Salmon are under threat. Evidence presented at the Clayoquot Salmon Roundtable’s Marine Risk Assessment workshops in 2022 makes it unequivocally clear that every year salmon farms are left operating in the near shore (which is where salmon farms are in Clayoquot Sound), the viability of the wild salmon stocks are adversely impacted.

No Changes in Fatal Police Shootings of Tla-o-qui-aht Members!?!
On July 1st, it was incredible to take part in a decolonial ceremony hosted in Tla-o-qui-aht territory. Thanks to the Martin family for inviting us to witness the raising of a totem pole to honour Chief Nuukmiis. The teachings of natural law represented by the carvings share how the Tla-o-qui-aht Nation endured and is enduring in spite of pandemics like small pox, tuberculosis, and now COVID, as well as atrocities including genocidal policies, violent attacks, residential schools, ongoing...

UN Secretary General Advises at Climate Summit: Tax Big Oil to Fund Climate Justice
In just days, our planet’s population will cross a new threshold. The 8 billionth member of our human family will be born. This milestone puts into perspective what this climate conference is all about. How will we answer when “Baby 8 Billion” is old enough to ask: What did you do for our world – and for our planet — when you had the chance?

DFO Enabling Cermaq to Expand Salmon Farm Size in Clayoquot Sound While Wild Salmon Are Threatened with Diseases and Parasites from Farms
The Government Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) quietly approved the expansion of 3 Cermaq salmon farms within Clayoquot Sound. The total expansion size – at Millar Channel, Bawden Bay, and Dixon Bay – add the equivalent of an additional salmon farm.

Supporting Salmon Protection, Education, and Celebration Clayoquot Salmon Festival Returns in Person
In September we returned with in person events for Clayoquot Salmon Festival after 2 years of having the Festival online during the height of the pandemic.

Clayoquot Salmon Festival: September 3 – 10, 2022
Salmon play an integral role for coastal livelihoods, cultures, and ecosystems in Clayoquot Sound. Celebrating this magnificent species is what inspires Friends of Clayoquot Sound to organize the annual Clayoquot Salmon Festival!

B.C. Government Must Defer Logging in Clayoquot Sound + Fund Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas
On September 11, 2020 – for the 1st time in colonial history – the B.C. government announced a 2-year deferral of logging in over 350,000 hectares of forests provincially, including 260,000 hectares in Clayoquot Sound.

Read and Share the FOCS Summer 2022 Newsletter!
Here you will find the FOCS Summer 2022 Newsletter to explore the major issues in Clayoquot Sound and beyond as well as getting a glimpse of the work we have been doing over the last several months, including updates on our campaigns.

Clayoquot Salmon Roundtable Marine Risk Assessment: Special Reportback
The loss of local salmon stocks on Vancouver Island spurred the formation of the Clayoquot Salmon Roundtable in 2013. The purpose of the Roundtable has been to build partnerships in co-management processes aimed at the recovery and protection of Clayoquot Sound’s wild salmon stocks.

“Fracking The Peace” Documentary Highlights Impact of Fossil Fuel Extraction
Following a community screening of “Fracking the Peace”, German Ocampo with Friends of Clayoquot Sound led a panel of allied groups: Kiki Wood from Stand, Peter McCartney from Wilderness Committee, and Cheryl Cameron from Dogwood. Photo Credit: Brenda Wood / FOCS “Fracking the Peace” is a powerful new documentary telling the story of residents in Northeastern B.C. whose daily lives, homes, environment and health have been changed by fracking in the region. Home to the majestic Peace River,...

Imperial Metals Surrenders Tenures Near Skagit Headwaters
This spring, the B.C. government reached an agreement regarding historic mineral tenures in an area within the Silverdaisy watershed known as the Skagit River Donut Hole, surrounded by both Skagit Valley Park and E.C. Manning Park, and between Hope and Princeton.

Government’s TMX Pipeline Investment Could Be $30 Billion!?! How much do taxpayers have to pay?
The Trans Mountain (TMX) tar sands pipeline has steadily become a more tragic quagmire since 2018. Back then Kinder Morgan, the Texas based pipeline company, set a deadline for the Canadian government to provide some assurance that TMX could be built.