Clayoquot Sound . . .
Protecting What We Love, Together!

It’s time for the Clayoquot Salmon Festival!

Friends of Clayoquot Sound Logo

Clayoquot Sound . . .
Protecting What We Love, Together!

It’s time for the Clayoquot Salmon Festival!

Friends of Clayoquot Sound Logo

Clayoquot Sound . . .
Protecting What We Love, Together!

It’s time for the Clayoquot Salmon Festival!


FOCS joins other BC groups in forming the Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR) and engages in a market campaign against buying farmed salmon. Share this:...


Markets Initiative, a joint project of FOCS, Sierra Club and Greenpeace, begins a market campaign to shift North American companies, including book and magazine publishers, to using paper that is free of ancient and endangered forests fibre. The organization becomes...


FOCS helps to negotiate Memorandum of Understanding between four environment groups and Iisaak Forest Resources (the First Nations/MacMillan Bloedel joint venture logging company that replaced MacBlo). MOU commits Iisaak to protecting intact (unlogged) valleys in its...


FOCS begins a fish farm campaign aimed at reforming open net-pen salmon aquaculture in Clayoquot Sound and BC. Share this:...


FOCS and Greenpeace takeover of Rankin Cove logging camp leads to First Nations-brokered truce between MacMillan Bloedel and environmentalists. Negotiations begin on protecting intact (pristine/unlogged) valleys in Clayoquot Sound from logging. Share this:...