Our Campaigns
Founded in 1979, Friends of Clayoquot Sound (FOCS) has a 40+ year legacy of environmental justice education, community organizing, and direct action for the protection of the ancient ecosystems in Clayoquot Sound. Based in Tofino, we are peaceful, strategic, courageous advocates for culture, biodiversity, and conservation.
Indigenous Solidarity
Friends of Clayoquot Sound recognize the governance, laws, and jurisdiction of Indigenous Nations to be the highest of the land, air, and water, since time immemorial.
Ancient Rainforest Protection
Many of Clayoquot Sound’s intact valleys have not been logged yet. Since 1979, FOCS have led innovative organizing to protect this globally rare and irreplaceable ecosystem.
Defend Wild Salmon
In the 1980s fish farms began to threaten marine life including wild salmon stocks. Clayoquot Sound now has one of the highest densities of salmon feedlots on the BC coast.
Clayoquot Mining Ban
Imperial Metals is pushing for a copper mine 13 kilometres north of Tofino within unceded Ahousaht territory, and also a gold mine within unceded Tla-o-qui-aht territory.
Climate Action Now
Canada is the largest per capita public financer of fossil fuels. The recent Canadian Government purchase of the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline is fueling the climate crisis.
Earth Keepers Education
Earth Keepers develops community through artistic projects to strengthen environmental stewardship, youth leadership, artistic voice, innovation, and regional connectedness.
Latest Updates
10th Annual Clayoquot Salmon Festival
Salmon play an integral role for coastal livelihoods, cultures, and ecosystems in Clayoquot Sound. And they lead incredible lives, starting in freshwater then migrating to the ocean. Salmon stay at sea for years before their homing instincts guide them back, to the...
JOB OPPORTUNITY – FOCS Outreach and Development Coordinator
Position Title: Friends of Clayoquot Sound Outreach and Development Coordinator. Location: Pacific Rim based with home/remote work, as well as FOCS office access in Tofino. Mission and Work of Friends of Clayoquot Sound: Friends of Clayoquot Sound is the original...
Read + Share the FOCS Winter Newsletter!
The FOCS 2023 Winter Newsletter is here, shedding light on the major issues in Clayoquot Sound and beyond as well as getting a glimpse of the work we have been doing over the last several months, including updates on our campaigns.
Understanding the Social and Environmental Impacts of War Provides Motivation to Advocate for Peace
Research in 2023 by the Institute for Economics and Peace indicates that over 238,000 people died in 32 conflicts around the world in the previous year. Together we must call on governmental and business leaders to advocate for peace in all conflict zones and invest in humanitarian efforts, including climate finance.
Indigenous Nations Facilitate $1.1 Billion Nature Agreement with Governments
In November, a $1.1 billion BC Nature Agreement was announced by the BC First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) with support from the federal and provincial governments. The historic funding agreement aims to enable BC to reach its minimum target of protecting 30% of land and water by 2030 through Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).
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About Us
Friends of Clayoquot Sound was established in Tofino in 1979, focusing on the logging activity on nearby Meares Island. Discover our History
Interactive Map
This map shows the Clayoqout Sound watershed, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Click to open a zoomable, interactive Google map with layers showing old growth, protected & unprotected areas, fish farms, potential mine sites, hiking & paddling routes, and more about Clayoquot Sound.
Thanks to volunteer Veronika Degmayr and her GIS skills for creating the map!
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Your one-time or monthly gift helps us to protect the wilderness of Clayoquot Sound for future generations. Your support makes a difference!
Join the Volunteer Team
We are a grassroots environmental group. The efforts of our tiny paid staff are amplified by the work of volunteers. There are many ways you can help out!
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Speak Out
Governments remember the massive protests that happened here in 1993, and they sit up and listen when people write in about Clayoquot. Please add your voice now and be part of saving Clayoquot Sound for future generations.