Clayoquot Sound . . .
Protecting What We Love, Together!

It’s time for the Clayoquot Salmon Festival!

Friends of Clayoquot Sound Logo

Clayoquot Sound . . .
Protecting What We Love, Together!

It’s time for the Clayoquot Salmon Festival!

Friends of Clayoquot Sound Logo

Clayoquot Sound . . .
Protecting What We Love, Together!

It’s time for the Clayoquot Salmon Festival!

FOCS helps to negotiate Memorandum of Understanding between four environment groups and Iisaak Forest Resources (the First Nations/MacMillan Bloedel joint venture logging company that replaced MacBlo). MOU commits Iisaak to protecting intact (unlogged) valleys in its portion of Clayoquot Sound. FOCS does not sign MOU in order to maintain its independent watchdog position.

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