Want to help? There are lots of ways to get involved with Friends of Clayoquot Sound. Attend an event, volunteer your time, write a letter or give a donation – it all makes a difference!

From stopping logging company MacMillan Bloedel on Meares Island in 1984, to significantly reducing industrial logging in 1993, we have shown that when people take action, we get results.
We have on more than one occasion stopped companies from punching roads into Clayoquot’s intact valleys, the latest in 2013. Media publicity and email campaigns, in combination with market pressure, have been key to these successes.
Governments remember what happened here in 1993 – a logging blockade that still ranks as Canada’s largest act of peaceful disobedience, coupled with world-wide protests and media coverage – and they don’t want a re-run. So they sit up and listen when people talk about Clayoquot Sound.
Take action today and be part of saving Clayoquot Sound for future generations.

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