Illustrations of the Six Principles for Just Recovery by Corrina Keeling @lovelettesforeverybody from justrecoveryforall.ca. Illustration by Corrina Keeling @lovelettesforeverybody
As governments prepare recovery plans amidst the COVID-19 crisis, an informal alliance of over 150 civil society groups, representing collective memberships of millions in Canada, are demanding these plans move us toward a more equitable and sustainable future. United in support of the 6 Principles for Just Recovery, endorsing organizations alongside Friends of Clayoquot Sound span sectors and communities across the country, including the Canadian Labour Congress, Indigenous Climate Action, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and the Canadian Health Coalition.
We can’t go back to “normal” after the COVID-19 pandemic. “Normal” was already a crisis. “Normal” is a world where our “heroes” get paid poverty wages and lack the sick days they need to care for themselves, their friends, and their family. “Normal” is a world destined for climate catastrophe.
Our message for governments is straightforward: recovery efforts must support the transition to a more equitable, sustainable and diversified economy, and not entrench outdated economic and social systems that jeopardize the health and wellbeing of people, worsen the climate crisis, or perpetuate the exploitation or oppression of people.
“We need public investments to help meet our commitment to limit global warming, by developing renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency, supporting struggling public transit systems and ensuring a just transition for workers and their communities. We must prioritize investing in things that create much needed good jobs,” said Canadian Labour Congress President, Hassan Yussuff.
The COVID crisis has revealed the primary importance of the health and safety of all people, as a human rights and collective wellbeing issue. Relief efforts so far have shown that things we’ve been told aren’t possible, actually are once we prioritize them. All endorsing groups will pursue specific policy recommendations, aligned with the Principles.
“Prior to the pandemic, Indigenous communities were already in crisis due to a lack of infrastructure, health and social services and the current situation will only deepen these inequalities. To address this historical injustice, it is essential that Indigenous Peoples have access to adequate resources that revitalize the health, well-being and sovereignty of our communities,” said Lindsey Bacigal of Indigenous Climate Action.
Nearly three-quarters (73%) of Canadians asked by EKOS Research earlier this month supported a “broad transformation of our society” resulting from COVID-inspired reformations.
“It’s going to take a massive and diverse community of voices to encourage governments to be bold in the face of corporate lobbies, and to put people and communities first,” explained Catherine Abreu of Climate Action Network Canada.
Learn more at: justrecoveryforall.ca