Our History

For a comprehensive history of the evolution of Friends of Clayoquot Sound as an organization, check out our bio on Wikipedia.

Below are some of the milestones and significant successes in the history of FOCS and our ongoing mission to protect Clayoquot Sound from industrial exploitation:


FOCS discovers illegal logging road in Sulphur Pass; 35 arrested during summer-long blockade. Road is stopped, thus allowing large Megin Valley wilderness to remain intact (Megin and adjacent intact valleys were designated provincial park in 1993). FOCS is first to call for an end to clearcutting and initiates a local

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FOCS and First Nations blockade MacMillan Bloedel from logging Meares Island (Canada’s first logging blockade). Company turned away. Court injunction granted, suspending logging on Meares to this day.

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Friends of Clayoquot Sound (FOCS) is founded as a non-profit society. Campaign begins to save Meares Island from logging by MacMillan Bloedel.

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And no doubt more to come!

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