Every donation you make to FOCS helps to support our research, public education, advocacy and peaceful direct action to protect Clayoquot’s wilderness and biodiversity.
Donate to FOCS
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For cheque, e-transfer and credit card donations, continue below.
NOTE: Although we are a registered not-for-profit society, we are unable to provide tax-deductible receipts for donations because of our advocacy work.
Holding the line since ’79!
Friends of Clayoquot Sound is a small but powerful grassroots organization that depends on individuals for support for research, public education, and peaceful direct action.
We are renowned for punching way above our weight—we make every dollar count, here where it matters, on the ground in Clayoquot Sound.
All donors receive our print newsletter twice a year and monthly email newsletter (unless you opt out). We never share your info with other parties.
Although we are a registered not-for-profit society, we are unable to provide tax-deductible receipts for donations because of our advocacy work. We are not constrained by regulations governing charitable organizations—we use donations to take vital and peaceful steps to protect wilderness and biodiversity.

Legacy Giving
Choosing to make a gift beyond your lifetime through a bequest is a profound way to pay tribute to the values that are closest to your heart. There are several ways to make a gift to Friends of Clayoquot Sound in your will. Please discuss your options with your financial advisor or contact us to learn more.